The 68th Dialogue on Race, Racism, and Ethnicity in the U.S. was held on December 2nd. The topic was "What's Race Got To Do With It?"/Sex,Sports, TV, Movies and Love. People springboarded from that topic to discuss how White domination is working at the present moment. Some people felt that White people simply do not want to give up any of the money that goes with White privilege. Other people thought cultural training was one of the most important elements in creating social change. As always, in a large diverse group, people were exchanging their opinions with alacrity. The potluck beforehand helped to bond people. 30 people attended, and we were gratified to see we had 16 women and 14 men. We were very appreciative of those who were attending for the first time. This is the beginning of our 19th year of Dialogues.