Here’s a list of different kinds of dialogues to give a sense of the variety of ways people can come together to talk about race.

  1. “Our Dialogue” Dialogue on Race, Racism and Ethnicity in the U.S. Started November 2000 by Mary Webb, we have completed 71 dialogues. We are going into our 20th year with the 72nd Dialogue in November. (Bay Area)

  2. Opening the Mountain

    Started by Ojig Yeretsian approximately 8 years ago. It focuses on building relationships between Armenians and Turkish people. (multiple locations)

  3. Dialogue on Racism (a potluck gathering to laugh, learn and heal.)

    Started by Renée Jones, it has been going for 4 years. (Bay Area)

  4. Sacred Conversations on Race
    Hope UCC had 4 groups that each met 4 times for dinner and discussion. In addition, all groups met together for a kickoff session at the beginning and a wrap up session at the end. This dialogue was intended to be short term and ran 6 months January-July 2016. (Alexandria, VA)

  5. Race Dialogue: Conversation about race, racism and ethnicity in Half Moon Bay

    Started by The Reverend Michael Arase-Barham inspired by screening of “Living Room Revolution: The Race Dialogues” at Holy Family Episcopal Church in Half Moon Bay. The congregation hosted four bilingual dialogues in English and Spanish facilitated by Vicky George and Kate Mayer.

  6. Bilingual Dialogue on Race, Racism and Ethnicity in Half Moon Bay

    Started by Kate Mayer and Fabiola Buenrostro and held at the local library with simultaneous translation.